On PTSD and Its Symptoms

PTSD, or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, is classified as an anxiety disorder according to the Mayo Clinic and the American Psychiatric Association. PTSD is intensely troubling, frightening, and hard to live with. PTSD typically stems from a traumatizing event or set of events, such as an accident, assault, natural disaster, war, or death. Sufferers may experience intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety about things associated with the event, and general anxiety. This makes the person experience the trauma over and over, which makes recovery a long, arduous process.

PTSD is often exacerbated by the fact that it can be unclear where the anxiety is coming from, and also that people are too often expected to overcome their trauma in short order. This leads to long-term, untreated suffering. The sufferer may even feel shame for not “getting over it.”

Speak Out

We believe that everyone should have the freedom and resources to speak openly about their pain. We believe that everyone should know about all treatment options available to them, and we believe that as many treatment options as possible should be available. Read on to find out about how Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation therapy is being used to help alleviate the symptoms of PTSD.

About TMS for PTSD

Unfortunately, post-traumatic stress disorder was not well understood, categorized, or treated for a long time. The science is still incomplete, but we have more, better, and safer options now when treating PTSD. Options like medication and support groups do much to help reduce people’s pain, but when symptoms persist, TMS may be helpful.

TMS has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for use on depressed individuals, including those suffering from drug-resistant depression. The brain is just another organ that can get sick or injured, which can cause it to function incorrectly. Healthy thought patterns are disrupted, hormones are imbalanced, and emotions aren’t processed correctly. TMS focuses on stimulating areas of the brain responsible for directing and processing emotions. Read on to find out more about the science on the subject.

Study Results

The science of TMS for PTSD is still progressing, but multiple studies have shown promising results. For instance, the White River Junction VA Medical Center, working with PTSD-affected veterans, explored TMS for their patients and found an overall benefit. In 2004, the American Journal of Psychiatry published a double-blind, placebo-controlled study report that reported positive results for repeated use of TMS on patients with PTSD, with a notable difference between those who had received TMS and those who received the placebo. Similar outcomes were reported in data collected by the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health in 2014.

Ask Your Doctor

If you suffer from PTSD or another anxiety disorder, consult with your doctor about treatment. There are many options, including TMS, that might help you. PTSD is not your fault, you are not weak for feeling its effects, and you don’t deserve to suffer in silence. You deserve better, and we want to help you find that better place.
