Investigating Risks and Benefits

It’s always a good idea to be concerned about the side effects of any medical treatment.  At Rochester Holistic Psychiatry, we are committed to transparency and want to disclose the side effects, common and uncommon, of trans-cranial magnetic stimulation therapy.

If you have any questions about the side effects of TMS that are not covered here, please contact us.

Common Side Effects of TMS

Most TMS patients experience no side effects at all, but those who do report side effects within the list below:

  • Scalp discomfort. Reported by patients as a tingling, tapping, flicking, or scratchy sensation, any scalp discomfort is mild and does not persist outside of the treatment room.
  • Headache is the most commonly reported side effect of TMS.  These have been reported as not severe and treatable with over-the-counter medication.
  • Muscle twitches in the face or head. Muscle twitches typically only occur while treatment is being administered and cease afterward.

Rare Side Effects

These are some of the rare side effects of TMS.  These must be detailed in the interest of due diligence if they have occurred in one instance or have been deemed possible by researchers.

  • Dizziness or feelings of mild disorientation. Typically, no recovery time is needed but each patient is cared for according to their needs.
  • Seizures are an extremely rare side effect, but the possibility exists as related to an underlying or unknown medical condition.
  • Hearing loss. The TMS machine is noisy, but not deafening, like an MRI machine.  Hearing loss is unlikely unless the patient’s ears are very sensitive or have existing unknown damage.  Earplugs are given to every patient.

Side Effects Not Reported

These are some of the side effects not associated with TMS.  We want to include them to highlight the comparative ease of receiving TMS treatments.

  • Drowsiness or feelings of intoxication, as some types of electrostimulation therapy require sedation.
  • Loss of memory or cognitive function is not associated with TMS.
  • Common side effects of antidepressant medication, like weight gain, sexual dysfunction, and sleep disturbances.

Thorough Patient Care

For each patient considering trans-cranial magnetic stimulation therapy, extensive measures are taken to ensure safety.  A psychiatric exam is administered to determine the nature and severity of symptoms, as well as the patient’s experience with other forms of treatment, like medication.  A physical exam is administered to determine the patient’s level of health and investigate any reason why TMS could be remotely harmful, such as metal implants, seizure disorders, and stimulation devices like pacemakers.