What Happens During TMS

Recently we talked about what actually happens during a TMS procedure.  now we’ll look at what kinds of TMS equipment are out there.  there are a lot of folks who don’t know about this procedure, and it helps to know about everything that goes into something before you try it.

During a TMS procedure, they will make sure there is no metal on or in you.  then you’ll sit in a comfy chair with earplugs (it’s not too loud but about as much as an MRI machine.  you’ll be awake and alert.  you’ll feel a slight tapping, tingling, or scratching feeling against your head as a magnetic coil is passed over your skull, targeting the areas of the brain regulating mood.  there is no downtime and it’s an outpatient treatment.

TMS Machines

There are different types of TMS and thus different machines for administering it.  These are some of the machines cleared by the FDA to administer transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy:

  • In 2008, the NeuroStar Advanced Therapy System was the first of its kind to be cleared by the FDA. This machine uses contact sensing technology to detect any tiny movements made by the patient and adjusts the strength of the magnetic field.
  • Developed in Germany, the Apollo TMS system is designed to be user-friendly and comes with a patient management system. It was cleared by the FDA in 2018 for treatment of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) in sessions of 37 and 19 minutes.
  • The CloudTMS machine is used in 35 countries. It syncs and backs up data in real time and its modular design is ideal for portability.
  • Magstim achieved FDA clearance in 2019 but is one of the forerunners in/architects of the field, building their first TMS machine 25 years ago. They have produced multiple TMS systems including the Horizon Performance System and StimGuide.

Our Choice

At Rochester Holistic Psychiatry, our equipment of choice is NeuroStar.  NeuroStar Advanced Therapy is the first choice of physicians and over one and a half million treatments have been performed.  The treatment is well-tolerated and shows positive results for those diagnosed with MDD who have not reached remission with other tools like therapy and medication.